In 2014, during his radio show, Steve Harvey shared a heartwarming story about how he inadvertently helped singer Lenny Williams escape a difficult financial predicament.
Lenny Williams, renowned as the frontman of the soul/funk ensemble Tower of Power during the early 1970s, expressed his profound gratitude to Harvey. It all began when Williams approached Harvey at a public event and emotionally conveyed, “Man, thank you SO much for saving my life…you really saved my life.” His wife chimed in, echoing their heartfelt appreciation.
Initially puzzled by gratitude, Steve Harvey was soon enlightened. Williams recounted how the popularity of his 1975 hit track, “Cause I Love You,” soared after it was featured in Harvey’s “Kings of Comedy Tour” routine. Remarkably, Williams retained the rights to the song, enabling him to reap the rewards, thanks to Harvey’s unwitting support.
During a period of financial hardship, the couple found themselves in dire straits. Harvey’s unintentional assistance opened doors for Williams, resulting in increased performance bookings, as reported by I Love Old School Music (ILOSM).
However, Harvey, in a later radio show statement, attributed the intervention not to himself but to “the grace of God.” He candidly confessed that he had no inkling of Lenny Williams’ financial struggles at the time. Struck by the depth of Williams’ story, Harvey acknowledged how profoundly this chain of events had touched him. He also surmised that Williams might not fully grasp the extent to which he, in turn, had impacted Harvey’s life.